parenthood storylines
Most of the performers and creators are young college students who don't have children of their own. Regardless, many of them were fascinated by the interactions of parents and children following natural disasters; the Russ and Diane storyline emerged from this interest. By virtue of the fact that most of the creators are young women, most of the storylines involved mothers rather than fathers. In addition to the Russ and Diane storyline, we also told the stories of:
Anna began as a deaf character who was trying to interact with the hearing world to locate her children after the earthquake. Various complexities required us to change her story to make her children deaf instead. Though she searched for them for years, she always believed that if her children had been able to hear, they might have survived. She adopted a daughter after the earthquake, Sue, and eventually Sue lobbies for better inclusive systems for the disabled.
Carin was an amalgam of several characters created by several different people. She allowed us to examine the impact of a natural disaster on someone who is living in a new place with no friends or family close by to lean on. Her husband works outside of Anchorage, and she is pregnant.

Sue (Bao Her) looks back on her relationship with her mother as she reads an old letter.

Carin (Alexandra McCall) prays.

Sue says that her mother focused more on her lost siblings than she did on her living daughter.

Sue (Bao Her) looks back on her relationship with her mother as she reads an old letter.